E-Quip Course in Orthodox Christian Faith and Life
E-Quip Course in Orthodox Christian Faith and Life


St. Gregory Nazianzen Orthodox Institute St. Gregory Nazianzen Orthodox Institute

E-Quip is now a registered collaborative partner with the "St. Gregory Nazianzen Orthodox Institute" The Institute is a free-standing, not-for-profit, private, religious institution of higher learning governed by an independent Board of Trustees. The Institute is accredited by the Department of Education of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Islands of the Caribbean (Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople), (September 2013)

E-Quip in Cuba

E-Quip is now being offered in Cuba in Spanish and plans are developing to extend this service into Latin America.  Contact Triantaphyllos (Ramon) Perez.

Triantaphyllos (Ramon) Perez Moya

E-Quip in Macedonia

His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph

"Among the various podcasts of Ancient Faih Radio, I found E-Quip: A Program in Orthodox Faith and Life, provided by the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland. I noticed that, besides excellent theological education, they offer also excellent missionary stuff.
Topics treat the authentic Christian Credo in the context of contemporary philosophical, psychological, literary insights... Except that the lessons meet the high academic standards, I think that authors have prepared widely-ranging texts that would be very useful for any Christian who wants to deepen his knowledge of Christian teaching. ?herefore, I translated 13 of them into Macedonian.  I wish this excellent theological course to get many more translations, readers and students."

Archpriest Antonij Petrushevski

16th May 2018i


Fr Gregory's Introduction to the Macedonian Use of E-Quip


II am delighted that the Church in Macedonia, in particular the Diocese of Kumanovo-Osogovo under its bishop, His Eminence, Metropolitan Joseph, has decided to publish locally materials from our Antiochian Orthodox Theological Course in the British Isles and Ireland, entitled: “E-Quip.” 


The holy apostle St Paul wrote in Ephesians $:11-13 …

... He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the [e]edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;

Our humble offering to the Church (always with a view to correction and improvement) is to contribute to the theological education of all her members so that the whole Church may be built up in Christ and “equipped” for preaching and living out the gospel in the 21st Century. 

I shall pray that the Church in Macedonia, and further afield, may be blessed by the use of this Course as together, we Orthodox live in and for the kingdom of God, the Lover of Mankind.

Archpriest Gregory Hallam

15th June 2018


NOW AVAILABLE: Lectures 2,3, 5-10, 63, 64, 67, 69,70 edited slightly and in translation ...


This is an audio file with the lecture: What is Truth?,prepared for broadcasting on the national Macedonian Radio, channel 1:


A book has now been published by the Archdiocese.

Audio File "What is Truth?"
Edited and Translated Lectures for use in the Macedonian Church
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]

Search all the lectures on this site with an excellent non-tracking search engine.

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If you have any queries, please contact us:

+44 161 456 8167

+44 7780 970884



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E-Quip Logo (copyrighted) Ephesians 4:12

You may need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view downloaded documents from this site, although most operating systems now open PDF files.

Occasionally reference will be made to these podcasted sermons from St. Aidan's Manchester: Voice from the Isles.


The podcasts do not contain all the lecture materials.

Counter reset July 2019

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