E-Quip Course in Orthodox Christian Faith and Life
E-Quip Course in Orthodox Christian Faith and Life

Other Religions - Internet and Other Resources

No Orthodox believer should be ignorant of other religious traditions.  


Resources will be added on other religions as they become available.


Sadly there is not a lot of quality material that goes into sufficient depth on these matters from an Orthodox Christian pount of view!


St John of Damascus's Critique of Islam


A Christian / Muslim Debate of the 12th Century


Islam 101 by Gregory M Davis


Answering Islam - although this is a Protestant site it contains much useful historical and apologetic doctrinal material.


A trully splendid informative book by an Orthodox woman who herself made the journey from Hinduism to Orthodox Christianity.  Warmly recommended!

Search all the lectures on this site with an excellent non-tracking search engine.

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E-Quip Logo (copyrighted) Ephesians 4:12

You may need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view downloaded documents from this site, although most operating systems now open PDF files.

Occasionally reference will be made to these podcasted sermons from St. Aidan's Manchester: Voice from the Isles.


The podcasts do not contain all the lecture materials.

Counter reset July 2019

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