E-Quip Course in Orthodox Christian Faith and Life
E-Quip Course in Orthodox Christian Faith and Life

E-Quip Appendices

Year 1 Term 1: Sola Scriptura - an Analysis
Sola Scriptura - an Analysis.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [198.1 KB]
Year 1 Term 1: Sola Scripture - an Analysis (Spanish Version)
Adobe Acrobat document [458.5 KB]
Year 1 Term 2: Liturgical Composition
A compendium of rules for ordering services from the Typicon.
Adobe Acrobat document [3.4 MB]
Year 1 Term 2: From Betrayal to Faith - The Themes and Theology of Holy Week in Byzantine Orthodoxy
A lecture by Revd. Dr. Gregory Woolfenden
Adobe Acrobat document [936.0 KB]
Year 1 Term 2: From Betrayal to Faith - The Themes and Theology of Holy Week in Byzantine Orthodoxy
A lecture by Revd. Dr. Gregory Woolfenden (Spanish Version)
Adobe Acrobat document [657.1 KB]
Year 1 Term 3: The Golden Age of Christianity in Britain and Ireland and Orthodoxy Today
Author: K.S. Parker. Extensive Bibliography.
Adobe Acrobat document [503.6 KB]
Year 1 Term 3: The Golden Age of Christianity in Britain and Ireland and Orthodoxy Today (Spanish Version)
Author: K. S. Parker (Extensive Bibliography)
Adobe Acrobat document [302.3 KB]
Year 1 Term 3: A Timeline of the Orthodox Church, East and West
Adobe Acrobat document [336.2 KB]
Year 1 Term 3: A Timeline of the Orthodox Church, East and West (Spanish Version)
Cronología - Ortodoxa.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [597.8 KB]
Year 1 Term 3: A Timeline of the Western Patriarchate
This Timeline runs from 800 AD to the present, before and after the Schism.
Adobe Acrobat document [301.1 KB]
Year 1 Term 3: A Timeline of the Western Patriarchate (Spanish Version)
Cronología - Latina.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [269.1 KB]
Year 2 Term 1: The Old Testament in the Orthodox Church (Fr Emmanuel Kahn)
OT in the Orthodox Church.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [142.0 KB]
Year 2 Term 1: The Old Testament in the Orthodox Church (Spanish version)
AT en la Iglesia Ortodoxa.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [527.7 KB]
Year 2 Term 1: Extensive Old Testament Study Bibliography
OT Study Guide Sources February 2021.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [107.8 KB]
Year 2 Term 2: The Jesus-Paul Debate
Truth in Christ and St Paul.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [306.0 KB]
Year 2 Term 2: The Jesus-Paul Debate (Spanish Version)
Adobe Acrobat document [327.3 KB]
Year 3 Term 3: "The Diaconate Today" by Archpriest Gregory Hallam
A paper submitted to the Assembly of Bishops of the British Isles
Adobe Acrobat document [348.9 KB]
Year 3 Term 3: "The Diaconate Today" by Archpriest Gregory Hallam (Spanish Version)
Adobe Acrobat document [260.4 KB]
Year 3 Term 3: The Father, Feminism and the Ordination of Women
Adobe Acrobat document [252.5 KB]
Year 3 Term 3: The Father, Feminism and the Ordination of Women (Spanish Version)
Adobe Acrobat document [256.5 KB]
Year 3 Term 3: "The Marriage of Orthodoxy and Science - an end to the Phoney War over Creation and Life" by Archpriest Gregory Hallam
Orthodoxy and Creationism February 2024.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [133.2 KB]
Year 3 Term 3: "The Marriage of Orthodoxy and Science - an end to the Phoney War over Creation and Life" by Archpriest Gregory Hallam (Spanish Version)
Adobe Acrobat document [256.5 KB]
Condensed E-Quip and General Bibliography
This is not limited to the bibliographies in each term, nor is as detailed as they are, but it may still prove useful for both E-Quip students and others. Freely distributable.
Orthodox Faith and Life Bibliography.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [338.9 KB]

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You may need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view downloaded documents from this site, although most operating systems now open PDF files.

E-Quip Podcasts Ancient Faith Radio E-Quip Podcasts

The podcasts do not contain all the lecture materials.

Occasionally reference will be made to these podcasted sermons from St. Aidan's Manchester: Voice from the Isles.

Counter reset July 2019

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